Chatbot Call Request

With Velaro Voice, call requests can be initiated directly from a Velaro Bot conversation. Whether you are using Call Bridging, or just want your customers to be able to request a manual call-back from your agents that's tracked in Velaro, your customers can easily request a phone call if they need more assistance than your bot can provide.

To enable this functionality, calling will need to be enabled for your account. See Chatbot Request a Call for instructions to configure calling.

Chatbot call request settings

chatbot call request settings. 

Bot Action Dropdown Request a call bot action is the selected action for this path.
Phone number Question Configure the message that is presented to the visitor to ask for the visitor's phone number.
Confirmation Question Configure the message that confirms the bot has the correct entry for the visitor’s phone number to be called.
Unavailable Message Configure a message that is presented when there are no agents available in the group to take an engagement.
Unavailable Path Configure which path the bot will go to next if all agents are unavailable. 


Visitor view of a chatbot-requested call.
The Visitor view of a chatbot-requested call. 


Chatbot call engagement 

Agent call engagement experience in the console. 

Chat History When starting a call engagement with a chatbot, the transcript from the chatbot conversation is shown on the engagement screen.
Notes Notes taken by the agent during the call will be stored with the call engagement transcript and can be reviewed later in the call report. 


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