Question Answering

The Velaro QnA Maker enables the upload and creation of questions and their answers, to easily enable a chatbot with natural language understanding capability to listen to your visitor's questions, and supply the correct answers.

Configure questions and answers

Configure question answering.

AddUrl Use a URL to pass QnA sets into the QnA Maker. 
Add File Use a file to pass QnA sets into the QnA Maker.
Add QnA Manually add a QnA set one entry at a time.
Settings Set the score threshold minimum and the max results presented by the QnA Maker.
Test Submit a test question to test query the QnA Maker.
Publish Publish the QnA sets currently in the Maker so that they can be queried through the bot.
Source Manage different sources through this drop down, each set of QnAs is housed in the source they were imported from. 
QnA Entries Listed QnA entries that are a part of the selected source. 


Capture questions and answers from a web page

The Velaro QnA tool can scan a page that content structured in a question-and-answer format and import these question-and-answer pairs for review and editing.

Enter the URL of a web page to be scanned. 


Capture questions and answers from a file 

select โ€œ+Add fileโ€ to upload a file in Excel, Word, or CSV format.

Select a file to upload. 


Add question phrases and their answer

Add question phrases and answers.

Question Enter a question that the visitor might ask.
Add Alternate Phrasing Add multiple phrasings of a question that would result in the same answer.
Answer Enter the answer that will display when the question is asked.
Add or Cancel Add the QnA entry, or cancel the entry addition. 

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