How to Sign In to Velaro

To Sign-in to Velaro, navigate to in your browser and enter your credentials.

Velaro Sign in form.
Sign in to Velaro
User IDEnter your email address.
PasswordEnter your password.
Sign inClick to submit your credentials and sign in.
Forgot passwordOpens a form to submit your email address in order to set a new password. You will be sent an email with instructions to reset your password.
SSO User?For enterprise customers with SSO system integration. Enables users to enter their email address and use the same password credentials as their enterprise network login settings.


Desktop Application for Windows

To install the Velaro desktop, download it from and follow the installation instructions.

Once installed, Click the Start Menu, find and select the Velaro Desktop icon and log in as indicated using your user email and password.

The screen is a mirror of the web application with two exceptions, File and Window options located within the application frame. 

Velaro on start menu.

File> Settings

  • Desktop application version information is located here.
  • Users can enable or disable the Auto-idle function.


Auto-idle controls

This function will automatically set a user to unavailable if there is no activity on the desktop during the time frame specified. 

Auto-idle Control image

Window controls

Allows the user to either refresh their screen or open developer tools for troubleshooting.

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