Sounds Configuration

The image shows the sound notification settings.
Sounds enabled
  • Unchecked: Sounds are disabled.
  • Checked: An audio alert is used as a chat notification.
Repeat alert sounds
  • Unchecked: The audio alert is only played once.
  • Checked: The audio alert repeats until it is turned off (by clicking the notification bell icon that appears next to the profile avatar).
Sounds when unavailable
  • Unchecked: The audio alert is played even when the agent is unavailable.
  • Checked: The audio alert is not played when the agent is unavailable.
Error sound
  • The sound that is played when an error occurs (e.g.: submitting a form without required fields completed).
New call sound
  • The sound that is played when a new click-to-call request is submitted. Note: agent must have click-to-call enabled in their account. See Click to Call
New queue sound
  • The sound that is played when a new visitor is queued.
New chat sound
  • The sound that is played when a new chat engagement has started.
Visitor sounds enabled
  • Unchecked: A sound is not played when there is a new visitor on the website.
  • Checked: A sound is played when there is a new visitor on the website.
New visitor 
  • The sound that is played when a new visitor comes to the website as identified by Visitor Monitoring

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