The engagement report shows all interactions with customers in detail. The full workflow of every chat including transcripts and all survey and custom data, as well as any exchanged files and missed chats are included. The Engagement report is a "real-time" report: it updates shortly after the chat engagement is closed by the agent.
If compliance mode is enabled, transcripts and personal information will not be present in the engagement report. See the Security settings article for more information on compliance mode.
The chart for the engagement report provides a visual of the data based on filter settings.
See Report Filters and Settings for more detail about the filters and settings menu at the top of the report.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Group | Group name | The group assigned to the engagement at the end of the chat. |
Start Time | Length of Time | Indicates when an engagement is created. This occurs when the visitor submits the prechat survey or submits the first message if a pre-chat survey is not used. In the event of a missed chat, Start time is when the visitor opens the inline chat window. |
Initial Queue Wait Time | Length of Time | The time from the initial request to initiate a chat is confirmed to the time the agents "accept" request is confirmed on the routing server. If automated routing is enabled, the queue wait time will be calculated for the first route request once the pre-chat survey has been submitted, or when the first message is submitted if a pre-chat survey is not used. |
Transferred Queue Wait Time | Length of time | Sum of all time the visitor spent in the queue stage due to a transfer. This metric does not count the initial queue wait time. |
Agent | Agent name | The initial agent to join the chat first. If that agent leaves for whatever reason, it will pass to the next agent in the chat. |
Chatted with Bot | Yes/No | Whether or not the visitor chatted with a bot before being transferred to an agent. |
Visitor | Visitor name | Name of the visitor. This is a reserved variable in Velaro that is captured by the pre-chat survey or passed into Velaro by a custom data integration. |
Visitor Email | Visitor email | Email address of the visitor. This is a reserved variable in Velaro that is captured by the pre-chat survey or passed into Velaro by a custom data integration. |
Chat Time | Length of Time | The time from when a chat is joined by an agent to when the engagement is archived. If the chat is transferred, the chat time spend by all agents is calculated. |
Chat Requested From | URL | The Page of the website the visitor was on when the chat was started. |
Total Time | Length of time | Queue wait time + Chat time. |
Agent Engagement Time | Length of Time | This metric counts from the moment the agent submitted their first message, to the time the agent submitted their last message so that time prior to the agent sending their first introduction CRM or postchat survey time is not counted as chat time. |
Result | Result label | The result of an engagement. Following are the possible chat results:
Site | Site name | Name of the site in the account settings |
Autorouted | Yes/No |
City | Name of city | The name of the city where the visitor is located as detected by browser visitor monitoring. |
Country | Name of country | The name of the country where the visitor is located as detected by browser visitor monitoring. |
End Time | Time | The time the chat is archived. Occurs when the last agent exits, or when a web job closes the chat based on site configurations. When chat is unavailable, the end time is set when the visitor closes the chat window. |
Ended by Agent | Yes/No |
Postal Code | number or number/letter | The postal code of the IP address as detected by the browser. Note that the postal code may be reflecting the location of the visitor's internet service provider DNS server, giving an inaccurate reading of the visitor's exact location. |
Region | Location | The geographical region of the agent. |
ISP | Name | The name of the internet service provider of the agent. |
IP Address | Name | The name of the visitor internet service provider. |
Resulted in Conversion | Yes/No | This data element is based on the settings in the Dashboard.
Satisfaction Level | Number (1-5) | The star rating score the visitor supplies either during the chat, or in the post-chat survey. |
Submitted Post Engagement Survey | Yes/No |
Submitted Pre Engagement Survey | Yes/No |
Timed Out | Yes/No |
Transfers | Number | The number of times a chat was transferred during an engagement. Includes both automated and manual transfers. |
Chat Turns | Number | The number of distinct turns in a conversation. 1 "turn" consists of a visitor sending a message and the agent responding to the message. |
Engagement Closed Reason | Text | The reason for the close of the chat engagement. Following are possible reasons:
Closed by | Name | The name of the user (agent, manager or administrator) who closed the chat session. |
Custom Chat Value(s) | Number or number/letter variable | If custom data is passed into the chat engagement, each value is available as its own data field in the engagement report. |
Survey Question(s) | Text | If a prechat, post-chat, agent ,or unavailable survey is configured, each question from each survey and the answered supplied are available in its own data field in the engagement report. |