Profile Menu

Click the user's profile avatar to display the profile menu.

Profile: Click NameClick user name to display the user's profile settings controls. See Profile Menu.
Switch to unavailableToggles the user's availability to take chats. See Agent Availability.
Download the desktop applicationDownloads the Windows and Mac OS desktop application. Also found here:
Release notesReturns a screen that displays the latest Velaro software release notes.
Chat with supportOpens a new chat window to chat with Velaro support. 
Submit Diagnostic Logs

Performs a system diagnosis, then displays a screen that allows a user to enter the issue being experienced. When the issue is submitted, the system diagnosis report and the issue description will be used to create a new support desk ticket and a confirmation email will be sent to the user's login email address. See Submit diagnostic log.

Be sure to submit a Help ticket when the issue is occurring, or immediately afterward, so the relevant console errors can be captured.

LogoutLog out of Velaro.
Gear Icon Admin/Managers view only. Use to access Account Settings Overview

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