Unavailable Settings

Unavailable settings control the visitor's experience in a group when chat is unavailable. "Unavailable" is when a chat is out of schedule, or if no agents are available to take chats.

To configure the Unavailable settings, go to Account Setup > Workflows > Unavailable (https://app.velaro.com/#/admin/workflows/unavailable). The Unavailable settings are present in both the basic and advanced workflow.

Following is a screenshot which shows the Unavailable settings within the Workflow menu:



Hide when unavailable

If the "Hide when unavailable" box is checked, then inline chat is not displayed if chat is not available for that group. 


When the "Hide when unavailable" box is checked, this setting overrides the "Missed chat action" controls and any other settings below it.



Hide when unavailable settings

Group MenuSelect the group that you want to hide chat when unavailable.
Hide when unavailable
  • If unchecked: performs the actions as configured by the "Missed chat action" control settings for that group.
  • If checked: hides the presence of chat for that group.



Offer survey

If the "Missed chat action" control is set to "Offer survey", then the following controls are displayed:


Offer survey settings

GroupSelect the group that you want to offer survey when unavailable.
ImportAllows the batch import of a survey for a group. The import tool requires the file to be formatted as follows: type "csv" (comma-separated values") with the following fields, in order, no column headers: Name, x, y, z 
Hide when unavailableIn order to offer a survey when the group is unavailable, the "Hide when unavailable" box must be unchecked.
Missed chat actionSelect "Offer survey" to display the controls to configure a survey offered when chat is unavailable for the group.
Email toSends the missed chat survey to an email address. Multiple email addresses may be entered.
Header text

The text message at the top of the survey that is displayed to the visitor when the chat is unavailable, based on the reason for chat being unavailable.

  • Unavailable: the message displayed when no agents are logged in and have their status set to "available".
  • Out of schedule: the message displayed when no agents are scheduled to be taking chat.
  • All agents busy: the message displayed when all agents are at max chats.
Submit button textThe label that appears on the button that submits the survey.
Survey complete messageThe message that is displayed to the visitor after the survey has been submitted.
SurveyThe fields of the survey that have been configured. See the Survey Builder article for details about the controls available to configure a survey.
Add items

Opens the controls that allow the configuration of a new form field on the unavailable survey.

See Unavailable Survey for more information.

SaveClick to save your your settings. 



Show custom text

If the "Missed chat action" control is set to "Show custom text", then the following controls are displayed:


Show custom text settings

GroupSelect the group that you want to show custom text when unavailable.
ImportUsed to import a survey when configuring "Show survey" controls. This is not used for Show custom text.
Hide when unavailableIn order to show custom text when the group is unavailable, the "Hide when unavailable" box must be unchecked.
Missed chat actionSelect "Show custom text" to display the controls to show custom text when chat is unavailable for the group.
Text to display

Configure the text message to be displayed to the visitor for each reason when chat is unavailable in the group.

  • Unavailable: the message displayed when no agents are logged in and have their status set to "available".
  • Out of schedule: the message displayed when no agents are scheduled to be taking chat.
  • All agents busy: the message displayed when all agents are at max chats.
SaveClick to save your settings.



Redirect to page

If the "Missed chat action" control is set to "Redirect to page", then the following options are displayed:


Redirect to page settings

Group menuUnavailable settings are specific to group. Select the group for which you want to configure unavailable settings. 
To create groups, see Manage Groups
ImportUsed to import a survey when configuring "Show survey" controls. This is not used for Redirect to page.
Hide when unavailable
  • If unchecked, then the chat widget is displayed when chat is unavailable and the "Missed chat action" rules are followed.
  • If checked, then the chat widget is not displayed when chat is unavailable.
Missed chat action

If chat is unavailable, when the visitor clicks to open the chat widget:

  • Offer survey: display the unavailable survey to the visitor.
  • Show custom text: display a custom text message to the visitor.
  • Redirect to page: display the url of the page specified in the "Redirect to" control.
Redirect toThe url to be displayed if the "Missed chat action" is "Redirect to page".
SaveClick to save your settings.

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