Individual Agent Profiles

Agent Profile

Agents may access their profile by clicking their image in the upper right of the screen and then their name.

Video: accessing the agent profile.


A manager can access each agent's profile from the Configure Agents screen. 

When selected, the user's Manage Profile screen is displayed.

Agent profile screen.


Profile screen features

Profile screen features.
1Profile ImageThe profile image control. See Upload a profile image.
2Performance Widgets

Widgets that provide a summary of key chat metrics for the user. Mouse over each widget for an explanation of the metric.

The widgets from left to right are:

  • Total chats that the agent is currently active in.
  • Total chats that the agent was involved in, over the last 7 days.
  • Average engagement ratings over the last 7 days. 
  • Total hours available today. The total time that the agent's status was set to Available while logged in. 


Note that widgets are updated hourly, they are not "real-time".

3Profile configuration panels

Each tab presents a screen with profile configuration options for the user:

4Recent activity streamTracks user availability, chat acceptance, and chat exit activities.

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