Velaro Transcript Field Definitions

TranscriptObjectTranscript object.
  IdStringEngagement's ID
  EngagementTypeNumberEngagement's type (Chat = 1, Call = 2)
  SiteNameStringSite's Name
  SiteIDNumberSite's ID
  GroupNameStringGroup's Name
  GroupIDNumberGroup's ID
  TierNumberTier's ID
  IsAgentToAgentBooleanIs this engagement between agents?
  StartTimeStringTime engagement was initiated
  EndTimeStringTime engagement was ended
  AnsweredStringTime the engagement answered
  RejectedStringIf rejected, time the engagement was rejected
  QueuedStringIf queued, time the engagement entered the queue
  TransferredStringIf transferred, time the engagement was transferred
  HasConvertedBooleanHas the engagement converted?
  RatingNumberRating for the engagement (0 through 10) - used to calculate NPS Score
  StartHourNumberNumber representing the hour the engagement started
  LengthStringTimeSpan indicating the duration of the engagement
  TotalSecondsNumberTimeSpan indicating the duration of the engagement in seconds.
  AgentsObject[]List of UserType objects (Information about the Agents involved with this engagement)
    UserIDNumberAgent's ID
    UserLevelNumberUser's level (User = 0, System = 1)
    IsCreatorBooleanWas this agent the initiator for the engagement?
    IPStringAgent's IP address
    DisplayNameStringAgent's display name
    WhenJoinedStringWhen the agent joined the engagement
    WhenExitedStringWhen the agent exited the engagement
    LastRetrievedTextStringWhen was the agent's last retrieved text
    LastSentTextStringWhen was the agent's last sent text
    LastTypedStringWhen was the agent's last typed
  VisitorObjectVisitorType object (Information about the visitor)
    IdStringVisitor's ID
    SessionIDStringVisitor's session ID
    AreaCodeNumberVisitor's area code
    BrowserTypeStringVisitor's browser type
    CityStringVisitor's city
    CountryStringVisitor's country
    CountryCodeStringVisitor's country code
    DNSStringVisitor's DNS
    EmailAddressStringVisitor's email address
    GroupVisitedNumberGroup ID of the group the visitor visited
    IsInviteBooleanWas the visitor invited to a chat?
    ISPStringVisitor's ISP
    KeywordsStringVisitor's search query they used to get to the site
    LatitudeNumberVisitor's latitude
    LongitudeNumberVisitor's longitude
    LocationStringVisitor's location
    OrganizationStringVisitor's organization
    PostalCodeStringVisitor's postal code
    ReferredByStringVisitor's referrer
    RegionStringVisitor's region
    URLReferrerStringVisitor's URL Referrer
    UserLevelNumberVisitor's User's level (User = 0, System = 1)
    IsCreatorBooleanWas the visitor the initiator of the engagement?
    IPStringVisitor's IP address
    DisplayNameStringVisitor's display name
    WhenJoinedStringWhen the visitor joined the engagement
    WhenExitedStringWhen the visitor exited the engagement
    LastRetrievedTextStringWhen was the visitor's last retrieved text
    LastSentTextStringWhen was the visitor's last sent text
    LastTypedStringWhen was the visitor's last typed
    FirstVisitStringWhen was the visitor's first visit
PersonasObject[]List of PersonaType objects (Information about the persona)
      IdNumberPersona's ID
      NameStringPersona's Name
      ValueNumberPersona's Value
DynamicPropertiesObject[]List of ActionType objects (Information about the visitor's actions)
      IdNumberaction's ID
      TypeNumberaction's Type
      ValueNumberaction's Value
      WhenStringtime the action took place
      CategoryStringDynamicProperty's category
      NameStringDynamicProperty's Name
      ValueStringDynamicProperty's Value
LiveChatLinesObject[]List of LiveChatLineType objects (Information about the chat lines)
    IdNumberLine's ID
    DateCreatedStringDate the line was created
    UserIDNumberUser ID of the creator of the line
    FromDisplayStringDisplay name of the creator of the line
    LineTypeNumberLine's Type (Text = 1, Premade = 2, ModifiedPremade = 3, PushPage = 4)
    LineCreatorNumberLine's Creator (Agent = 1, System = 2, Notice = 3, Visitor = 4)
    LineVisibilityNumberLine's Visibility (Agent = 1, All = 2)
    OwnerLevelNumberOwner's Level (User = 0, System = 1)
    TextStringLine's text
    RatingNumberLine's Rating (Unset = 0, Negative = 1, Positive = 2)
    PremadeIDNumberIf line was a Premade Message, the Premade's ID
ConvertedLineObject[]List of LiveChatConvertedLineType objects (Converted chat lines information [aka translations])
      IdStringLine's ID
      TextStringLine's text
CustomDataObject[]List of CustomDataType objects (Information about the custom data)
    IdNumberCustom Data's ID
    AttributeStringCustom Data's attribute
    ValueStringCustom Data's value
SurveyResultsObject[]List of SurveyResultType objects (Information about the surveys)
    IdNumberSurvey Result's ID
    QuestionStringSurvey's question
    AnswerStringSurvey's answer
SurveyChoicesObject[]List of SurveyChoicesType objects (Selected options)
      IdNumberChoice's ID
      ChoiceTextStringChoice's Text
      ChoiceValueStringChoice's Value
SurveyTypeNumberSurvey's Type (Prechat = 1, Postchat = 2, Unavailable = 3, AgentPostChat = 4)

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