Google Analytics 4 Setup

Google Analytics 4 was launched in October 2020. The previous iteration, Universal Analytics, will no longer be processing user data as of July 2023. At that time, the GA4 platform will be fully rolled out. You may elect to make the switch over to GA4 before the automatic update. To continue collecting, configuring, and analyzing your live chat data with Google Analytics you will need to simply update your Google Analytics integration for your Velaro Account. 


You will find the new GA4 integration much easier to configure. With their updated product, you will only need two identifiers to track Velaro events; the Measurement ID for your account property’s data stream and a Secret API key that allows your Velaro Integration to create additional GA events. 


Velaro GA4 Integration 

1ConfigurationThe default for our GA4 integration is a global configuration. The global configuration applies to all groups and will track events from all groups. You can override the global configuration by configuring IDs for a specific group. 
2Measurement IDID specific to a property in GA4 
3API SecretID specific to a property in GA4 


Google Analytics 4 

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In your Google Analytics account, you can access the measurement ID and API secret in the admin section under “Data Streams”. Highlighted in this image is an example of a measurement ID and the location of the API secret.  


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Only one API secret will need to be created per property. The API secret is a security measure that allows third party events to be sent to the GA account’s data stream. 

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