Salesforce Integration

Take your live chat to the next level by harnessing the power of Salesforce CRM. By integrating Salesforce into your Velaro account, you are granting agents the ability to search and create records within their Salesforce account.

Velaro can also post conversation transcripts to Salesforce and inject mapped data directly into Salesforce database record fields, providing your team with a complete view of all your prospects and customers' interactions. 


Getting started

Sign in to Velaro with an admin-level user account. Navigate to the Admin > Account > Integrations section, and click Install on the Salesforce Integration card.

Salesforce installation card
Salesforce integration card


Next, click the Connect button. This will open a new browser tab/window with the Salesforce login screen, asking for the Salesforce username and password. 

If you are just getting started and want to connect with your Salesforce test account, check “Connect via sandbox account”. 

Connect to Salesforce screen

Once connected the account identification information will display. Below that are the following options:

  • Require users to select a CRM record per engagement – If enabled this will require a CRM record to be selected for every chat that occurs. This means your users will have to always search for or create a record when a chat occurs.
  • Require users to save their transcripts to the CRM record per engagement – If enabled this will require the chat transcript to be posted to Salesforce. Agents will not be able to disable this.


Mapping record types

Below are the controls to map Salesforce data field record mappings to your Velaro account.

List of mapped records
Salesforce record types


Select + Record Type to add a new record for fields to be mapped, or select the pencil icon to edit the mappings for an existing record. 

Velaro supports Salesforce record types for Leads, Contacts, Accounts, and Cases. 

Select the type of record to map from the first menu. 

The Record name is displayed to agents when they are selecting what record type to create.

From this interface multiple fields can be mapped for a single record.

Field mapping interface
Salesforce field mapping screen


The next step in mapping a record in Velaro is to define the fields that go along with it. Select the empty Field dropdown menu to open the list of all fields that belong to that Salesforce record type.

Selecting Salesforce record fields to be mapped
Select Salesforce field to be mapped


The remainder of the columns in the table define how Velaro handles the data of the mapped field.

  • Linked to – Link a field value to a data point within Velaro. Once selected, choose from Velaro’s visitor monitoring data, incoming custom data fields, or any configured survey fields. Linking data to fields helps agents by reducing data entry when creating records.
  • Create – Require the field to create the record. The field will be displayed to the agent when creating a new record.
  • Used for searching – Search Salesforce based on certain fields. Select fields that have unique values such as E-Mail or Company name so agents get accurate results.
  • Show when selected – Choose what is shown to Agents when a record is selected, either by searching or creating a new record.
  • Control – Select what type of input should be used when creating or editing each field. Salesforce supports custom types such as the Company lookup, listed as their own control type. If you select a list you will be able to edit the contents of the list (pencil icon).
  • Default value– If using a list, the default value can be defined.
Field mapping configuration
Example of completed Salesforce field mapping configuration


Fields are displayed to agents in the Velaro console in the order in which they appear in his list. Once all record fields have been mapped, reorder them with the drag-and-drop control at the left of each field. Save changes once complete.


Using the Salesforce Integration

Now we’re ready to use the integration in chat. Your agents now have access to the Salesforce integration while in a chat. To access Salesforce select the top drop-down on your right panel.

Salesforce selector in the Visitor Information panel
Display Salesforce CRM in the Velaro console

 Your agents will be prompted to log into Salesforce with their Username, Password, and Security Token.

Salesforce account login
Log into Salesforce from Velaro


Users can search Salesforce directly in the main section.

Manual record search
Search for records in Salesforce


Once signed in to Salesforce, when a new chat is started, Velaro automatically searches for associated records based on the record field search configuration. 

If a record is not found, or if the agent wished to create a new record, this can be done be clicking New, then completing the required fields based on the mapping configuration.  Note that both the First Name and Email fields are pre-filled since the field mappings were linked to Velaro datapoints.

New Record form
Create a new record in Salesforce


Once a record is created or selected by searching, the record displayed will be used to archive the chat transcript and data.

Selected Salesforce record for data archive
Salesforce record profile


Once a record is selected, the chat transcript and any associated data can be posted to the Salesforce record based on the mapping configuration. 

The transcript can be saved by clicking the Save Transcript option on the top right of the selected record. If this option is required in the global account configuration settings, this box will be permanently checked. 

During the chat, agents can also edit the selected record by selecting the pencil icon at the top left of the record screen.

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