Visitor Reports and Conversion Metrics
Visitors Charts

Conversions Charts

Metrics descriptions
Data | Description |
Visitor Total | Total number of visitors. |
Chat | Total chats. |
Total converted from visitors | number of visitors that chatted after visiting. |
Total unconverted from visitors | Number of visitors who did not chat. |
Total converted from chat | Number of visitors who completed the conversion. |
Total unconverted from chat | Total converted from visitor - Total converted from chat. |
Total converted value from chat | Sum of the value of all conversions. |
Average converted value from chat | Total converted value / Total converted chats. |
Total unconverted value from chat | Sum of all value of unconverted chats. |
Average unconverted value from chat | Total unconverted value / Total unconverted chats. |
- Date range
- Summarize by: Full Details or Summarized
- All groups or a specific group
- Conversion pipeline chart level settings: Level 1 & Level 2
Element | Description |
Date | Date of the conversation. |
Conversion | Name of the conversation as configured by the admin ( |
Value | Either a static value, or variable passed in for each conversion. |
Group | Group the visitor was in when the conversion was completed. |
Agent | Agent that the visitor chatted with before completing the conversion. |
Persona | Not used. |
Invitation | If an invitation is configured as a conversion milestone, the name of the invitation is displayed. |
Visitor | Name of the visitor. |
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