GDPR Guidance

Our Privacy Policy, including the GDPR addendum is found here:


Regarding displaying your consent policy, and getting visitor to agree to it, it’s best practice to do so in the Pre-chat survey.


The GDPR visitor chat consent form is a feature that is configurable as part of the pre-chat survey. In order to present your consent policy, add the survey field type "HTML/Plain Text" to display your policy text. You may include one or more links to file that will open in a new browser window when clicked. 


To insert the consent button, insert a checkbox for the user to accept the terms, configure the checkbox label test as "I accept", and make the checkbox required. Then proceed to add any additional pre-chat survey questions. If you wish, the consent form and acceptance checkbox can be on a separate page from the rest of the pre-chat survey form. The pre-chat survey consent is recorded upon submit. 


At the end of the chat, the survey response is stored in the engagement report and also in the visitor transcript file, and the transcript will be synced to your CRM record if you have that configured.


Velaro does not sell customer data or use it for marketing.


Additionally, using Enterprise Security, you can, by group, purge all chat transcripts after X days to comply with some GDPR requirements. This setting is found in the Account Settings-> Security Settings-> Transcripts. The function allows “Enabling transcript purging will result in the removal of transcript and visitor information from Velaro's storage older than the timeframe configured below. Non-identifying information about chats will be retained, while the transcript of the conversation and potentially sensitive information will be deleted from these records.”

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