Customer Satisfaction Report

The Customer Satisfaction report can be found here:

The report provides charts and data from the Net Promoter Score (NPS) question in the post-chat survey.

See Post-Chat Survey for more information. The post-chat survey is configured here:



Promoters, Passive & Detractors (PPD)

The PPD chart shows overall % balance of promoters (9 and 10) Passive (5, 6, 7 8) and Detractor (1, 2, 3, 4) ratings.


Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS report shows the overall NPS scores calculated from the net promoter score numbers




  • Date range
  • Group by: agent or group
  • All groups or a specific group
  • Exclude agents from group



GroupThe group being measured, based on the filter settings
UserAgents receiving the scores
Promoter ScoreThe percentage of visitors who rated a 9 or 10.
Detractor ScoreThe percentage of visitors who rated a 6 or less.
NPS ScoreNPS = Promoter Score % - Detractor Score %

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