Canned Message report








Filters & Settings

The following filters are available. See Report Filters and Settings for details.

  • Timeframe
  • Filter by agents and groups
  • Download report
  • Email report
  • Schedule report



GroupAggregates canned message use by group, then message
Canned MessageThe text of the canned message.
Total ChatsTotal number of chats in which the message was used.
Total AgentsThe total number of Agents that used the canned message.
Total UsedThe total times the canned message was used.
Total Thumbs UpThe total number of "Thumbs Up" line ratings recorded for the chat using the canned message.
Total Thumbs DownThe total number of "Thumbs Down" line ratings recorded for the chat using the canned message.
Percent Thumbs UpThe number of "Thumbs Up" ratings/Total number of chat lines for each chat using the canned message.
Percent Thumbs DownThe number of "Thumbs Down" ratings/Total number of chat lines for each chat using the canned message.
NPS Scorepercentage of Promoters. see Customer Satisfaction Report
Percent Modified% of messages modified from the original language used

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