Workflow Overview

The workflow is the sequential stages of the visitor and agent experience in the process of a chat. Each stage provides options for customization. Once agents and other users have been added to the system and assigned to groups, the workflow can be designed. A unique workflow can be customized for each group.


The Workflow controls are accessed from the Account Settings (gear icon). To configure Workflows, go to Account Setup > Workflows (


This article provides an overview of the Basic Workflow and Advanced Workflow, and provides links to in-depth articles for each stage. Note that some stages of Advanced Workflow are only available with advanced workflow licensing.


Basic Workflow

Basic workflow configuration options
Basic workflow configuration options


  1. Pre-chat Survey: Provides a survey builder to configure a pre-chat survey per group
  2. Unavailable Survey: Settings to control the customer experience by group when an agent is unavailable to chat
  3. Bots: Choose the bot to use per group and select agent or bot priority
  4. Post-Chat Survey: Provides a survey builder to configure a post-chat survey per group
  5. Agent Survey: Provides a survey builder to configure an agent survey per group
  6. Transfer Chat : Settings that control chat transfer between agents and groups
  7. Post Chat Action: Settings that control the emailing of transcripts and other actions available after the chat has ended


Advanced Workflow

Advanced workflow configuration options
Advanced workflow configuration options

Advanced Workflow contains all the settings available in Basic workflow, plus additional features that leverage the rule builder to customize advance routing and other aspects of the chat experience.


  1. Group Selection: Provides a rule builder to assign a chat to a group based on any visitor monitoring or custom page data that has been passed into Velaro.
  2. Pre-chat Survey.: Provides a survey builder to configure a pre-chat survey per group.
  3. Group Re-selection: Provides a rule builder to allow the reassignment of a chat to another group based on the responses to the pre-chat survey.
  4. Unavailable Survey: Settings to control the customer experience by group when an agent is unavailable to chat.
  5. Bots: Choose the bot to use per group and select agent or bot priority.
  6. Tiers: Settings that allow agents to receive chats in a specific order within a group.
  7. Routing: Settings for whether chats are routed automatically, or if agents must accept chats for a group. Includes rule settings that guide the routing, e.g.: timeout, type of routing algorithm etc. 
  8. Post-Chat Survey: Provides a survey builder to configure a post-chat survey per group. 
  9. Agent Survey: Provides a survey builder to configure an agent survey per group.
  10. Transfer Chat : Settings that control chat transfer between agents and groups.
  11. Exiting Chat: Settings that control rules to automatically close a chat after a period of inactivity per group.
  12. Post Chat Action: Settings that control the emailing of transcripts and other actions available after the chat has ended.


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