Chat options

The following image shows the configuration options screen for the visitor chat window:

Chat window configuration options.
Enable print buttonAllow Visitors the option to print the transcript.
Enable email buttonAllow Visitors the option to email the transcript.
Email modal settings

Configure the settings for the email transcript option:

  • Title text: The name of the option, as displayed to the user.
  • Input label: The label of the email input field.
  • Input validation: the text that is displayed if a proper email is not submitted.
  • Cancel button text: the label of the button to cancel the email transcript function.
  • Submit button text: the label of the button to submit the email transcript function.
Enable upload button

Allows visitors to send files to agents.

All files sent are virus scanned and presented as a clickable link for downloading.

Enable chat rating starsEnables the star rating control in the chat header.
Enable chat line ratingsAllows visitors to give a thumbs up or down rating for each agent message.
Chat rating textThe label of the chat rating button.
Text colorThe color of the visitor text in the chat window.
System text colorThe color of the system messages in the chat window.
Header imageInsert an Agent  Headshot,  Company Logo, or no header image.
Header image scaleAdjust the size of the header image.
PlaceholderThe text displayed in the message entry field prior to the visitor typing.
Chat line imageChoose Agent  Headshot or Company Logo, to show alongside each agent message.
New message soundThe sound played to the visitor for each new message.
Use 24-hour time stampCheck to enable 24-hour time stamps. The default is 12-hour timestamps.

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